Hardship Exemptions


Medicare delayed publication of the meaningful use guidelines for stage 2 and did not meet their self-imposed 90 day notification timeframe. This has created a window of opportunity for the practice to file a 2015 hardship exemption to avoid penalties this for 2017. The practice should apply for an exemption under the ‘extreme and uncontrollable circumstances’ category.


Should you actually meet the meaningful use criteria, it will not preclude you from receiving an incentive. However, applying can ensure that you do not receive the penalty should there be any sort of discrepancy in your meaningful use filing. As such, it may be in your best interest to complete the necessary hardship form for 2015. The hardship submission period is still open and does not close until July 1, 2016.


A few of our physician partners have already done so and have received the hardship exemption. The 3% may not make you healthy, wealthy and wise but it certainly is better than letting Medicare keep your monies. More information can be found at:


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