Review the Payer Guidelines

Knowledge is Essential

by Cheryl Nash and AJ Riviezo
Most commercial insurances and Medicare have clinical guidelines they review one to two times per year. It is essential that you are operating under the most current guidelines. As the United example shows, the changes can be dramatic and result in denials.

One way to ensure you are reviewing your top payers on a regular basis is to see if they have a ‘Next Review Date’ listed on the current guidelines. You can place a note on your calendar to go to that payer’s guidelines and see if there is a new publication of the guideline or if the date has been changed. Key elements to review are changes in documentation requirements, changes in medical necessity requirements, and changes in conservative therapy. Be sure to read the fine print. Sometimes the changes are in the addendums or are a few words hiding in the middle of what appears to be an unchanged paragraph.

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