Free Screenings

Federal Anti-Kickback Laws
by AJ Riviezzo, MBA
Our last email contained information regarding ZPIC audits. This generated a discussion with Dr. Calcagno regarding potential concerns with performing free screenings on federal health care program patients (Medicare, Medicaid, TriCare, CHAMPUS, VA, CHP or Indian Health Service). It turns out there is some cause for concern. The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is potentially concerned with free screenings as it may constitute an impermissible kickback to the patient.

The OIG does allow a nominal incentive to be given. The nominal value is typically set at $10.00 per item or $50 total per year per 65 Fed. Reg. 24400, 24410-24411 dated April 26, 2000. A pretty low value which I am sure has not been adjusted for inflation.

Our recommendation is to establish a value for your ‘education services’ at $10.00. In essence, that is what the free consultation is… education services. You are providing a small bit of information about the underlying issues and current treatment methodologies for their possible condition. As a matter of course, you adjust these services down to zero for all patients.

A thank you to Dr. Calcagno for creating such an interesting discussion.

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