Some Caution is in Order
by AJ Riviezzo

Medicare is taking a very critical eye towards unnecessary care. In phlebology, one easy to identify element that can be considered unnecessary is the aftercare visits at the six month and twelve month post-ablation mark.
Here’s our recommendation. Perform your usual one month and three month follow up visits along with what treatment may be necessary at those visits. Schedule a telephone call to be made to the patient at the six month and then again at the one year mark.

When your team member contacts the Medicare patient they should ask the patient: “How are you doing? How do your legs feel? Any pain or swelling still?” If the patient complains of pain, swelling, cramping and the like; then you can go ahead and schedule an appointment for a follow up ultrasound and office visit. Should the patient be asymptomatic, celebrate that victory with the patient in an upbeat and excited fashion. This is great marketing as there is nothing better than a family or friend referral.

Another small item to consider is diagnosis coding. Because the patient is coming back to your office for a specific complaint such as pain in limb, cramping, swelling; the ultrasound and the office visit generated by these outreach calls should carry these diagnoses rather than your more typical 454 series of codes.

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